Thursday, August 2, 2012

Anna Hazaare & fight against corruption !

Finally ! drama will end at 5pm on Jantar Mantar,Delhi tomorrow,well there is no prizes for guessing about what I am talking,the much talked and much  covered news by news channels,the campaign of Anna Hazaare will end tomorrow.After neglecting by Indian government,Anna Hazaare was that much clever to call off his so called campaign against corruption.Anna Hazaare had played another trick or giving another excuse for withdraw of campaign by forming political party and aiming to bring change in 2014 national election.In fact this campaign is no more than drama by some selfish  people to gain publicity by playing emotions of Indians people.Actually their popularity graph was coming down after Mumbai campaign and condition become worse when Anna Hazaare roamed whole Maharashtra campaigning against government and no one noticed him and hence he decided to try his luck at Delhi where he got most popularity of his career but this time condition was difference because government directly ignored there campaign which give team Anna no option other than to withdraw there campaign,but to give reason for withdrawing this fight against government, they are now giving reason that they are going to form political party which will take part in 2014 national election.I am sure they have no perfect plan about forming political party, who knows in coming days they will make more surprising announcement.

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